Self-test kits useful but dispose properly

Those who use Covid-19 self-test kits at home should practise strict precautions and dispose of the biohazard waste properly after use.

They should heed the manufacturers’ warning, direction to use, disposal method, and adhere to the SOP when carrying out self-testing at home, office or factory, said Malaysian Association of Accredited Laboratories chairman Louis Ooi.

He said the kits were classified as “pathogenic waste, clinical waste or quarantined materials”. He said the disposal of self-test kits was considered biohazard waste under Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 – First Schedule SW404.

Ooi explained that the inappropriate handling of biohazard such as the extracting of saliva, transferring of saliva on the test kit, and disposing of the biohazard waste might cause contamination to the environment and lead to it being a source of transmission.

On Sunday, the Health Ministry, through its Medical Device Authority, released a list of two Covid-19 self-test kits that have received conditional approval for import and distribution in the country.

Ooi backed the move, saying that the kits had advantages in being fast and convenient. “People no longer need to travel to be tested at healthcare facilities but may do it at home, office or factory at any time to minimise social contact,” he said.

Ooi also urged the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry to set a ceiling price for self-test kits and list them as controlled items. “Due to the resurgence of Covid-19, we foresee that demand for self-test kits will be overwhelming, and we urge the ministry to set the ceiling price and to benefit the public, employees and employers,” he said.

Source: The Star